Congress Should Do Its Job And Vote On Energy

Floor Speech

Date: June 30, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. PENCE. Yesterday, by one vote, the House voted to adjourn as soon as today for the August recess. This means Congress is about to take a 5-week vacation without even taking a vote on bipartisan measures that would lessen our dependence on foreign oil by allowing more domestic drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf.

Mr. Speaker, the American people won't get a vacation from high gasoline prices, so Congress shouldn't take a vacation until we vote to lessen our dependence on foreign oil.

If the Speaker won't keep the House in session to allow this vote, I urge President Bush to call an immediate energy special session of Congress. Under article II, section 3 of the Constitution, the President has the power, quote, on extraordinary occasions to convene the Congress. If $4 a gallon of gas isn't an extraordinary occasion that demands action by the Congress, I don't know what is.

The Congress should stay in session and do its job and give the bipartisan pro-drilling majority a vote. And, Mr. President, if this Congress tries to leave town without voting on more drilling, use your constitutional authority, bring them back and make them work.
